October Events in this newsletter - get involved in your child's education with both some traditional and new events.
Don't forget about our early out on Wednesday 10-11-23. 1:00 dismissal!
Flu Vaccine Clinic on October 10th for students who are 8years old and up. Call Nurse Jaclyn if you would like to sign your child up. 1-432-607-3705
Don't forget our Flu Vaccine clinic next week, free to all SISD students. Please complete the attached forms and return to the nurse on campus.
Flu Vaccine Clinic on October 10th for students who are 8years old and up. Call Nurse Jaclyn if you would like to sign your child up. 1-432-607-3705
Remember, no school Friday or Monday!
Parents, don't forget to register for our lunch and learn! Monday 9-25-23 11:30-12:00.
Mid-month newsletter!
Don't forget the Grandparent's Day parade Friday 9:00 a.m. open to all Martin County grandparents!
If you or your student would like to order a pink out shirt, please use this link. Orders close 9-15-23. All money raised goes directly to cancer research.
School pictures are tomorrow, Tuesday, September 12. Forms were sent home last Thursday. If possible, please pay online.
Preorder code is PTPUC
Join us for a lunch and learn session. Mrs. Anderson will be talking about strategies to help your child with their reading skills. Bring a lunch - drinks and desert will be provided.
It is that time of year when we get to celebrate our Grandparents!! Stanton Elementary will host their 2nd annual parade for Grandparents on Friday September 15, 2023 at 9:00. This is open to all grandparents of Martin County. We had a great time last year and hope this year is even better!!
Homecoming Week is here. Tomorrow is college shirt/jersey day, Wednesday is dress as a character day, Thursday is Hawaiian Day, and then Friday is wear your Mouse ears along with your spirit gear. All students will attend the pep rally Friday afternoon.
It's Friyay!! We have had a great week here at Stanton Elementary. Don't forget that school dismisses at 3:00 on Fridays and there will be no school Monday for the Labor Day holiday. Enjoy a long weekend and we will see you back at 7:35 Tuesday morning!
September 1, 2023 Newsletter
Next week is homecoming week! Stanton Elementary will observe the following dress up days. Remember all days require your student to be in dress code. No school Monday. Tuesday-Monster U (college day) Wednesday-dress as a Disney Character Thursday- Ohana Day and Friday-wear your favorite Mouse ears with your spirit shirt!
Don't forget our school shirt sale will close at midnight on 9-5-23 (next Tuesday). Please use the link below to order:
Don't forget that each six weeks your child has 0 unexcused absences, you will receive an opportunity to eat lunch with them at school. Attendance matters! Please make sure you send doctor notes for any appointments.
Like and Follow Stanton ISD's Facebook Page for informtation about what we have going on in the District.