Congratulations to our SHS Cheer Squad 2025-2026! We are so excited for each of you! 🎀📣🦬 #buffpride #cheer20252026 #GRIT
7 days ago, Heather Brown
Cheer 20252026
Please join us March 17th for a senior class parent meeting at 5:30 in the SHS Commons! #buffpride #classof2025 🦬📅
8 days ago, Heather Brown
Senior Class Meeting Flyer
Please click on the link to view the SHS Week at a Glance for the week of 03/10 through 03/15.
8 days ago, Drew Daniel
Please refer to the attached information about Measles and the Vaccination Clinic. Consulte la información adjunta sobre el sarampión y la clínica de vacunación. Stanton Measles Vax event 3-6-25 - Letter to Parents_English - Letter to Parents PHR9-10_Spanish -
10 days ago, Jay Baker
Tonight's softball games against Coahoma have been rescheduled due to unsafe travel conditions and inhospitable weather. The Lady Buffs will now play Friday, March 7th. Varsity will play at 2 PM, with JV immediately following. 🦬🥎
11 days ago, Heather Brown
SHS is a closed campus for lunch today due to weather conditions and resulting poor visibility. Parents may check students out or deliver lunches to school, but students will not be allowed to leave on their own. Thank you for helping us keep our Buffs safe! 🦬💨
11 days ago, Heather Brown
Closed for Lunch
Get those yearbook order forms in by the deadline! 🦬📅 #buffpride #GRIT
12 days ago, Heather Brown
Yearbook Deadline Flyer
Please click the link to view the SHS Week at a Glance for the week of 03/03 through 03/08,
15 days ago, Drew Daniel
Please join us Monday, March 3rd for a junior class meeting! Hear from Ms. Hale regarding TSI, help plan for PROM, and get involved in the junior class activities! 🦬📝🪩#buffpride #GRIT #classof2026
15 days ago, Heather Brown
Junior Class Meeting
Please join us Monday, March 3rd for a junior class meeting! Hear from Ms. Hale regarding TSI, help plan for PROM, and get involved in the junior class activities! 🦬📝🪩#buffpride #GRIT #classof2026
17 days ago, Heather Brown
Junior Class Meeting Flyer
Please join us Monday, March 3rd for a junior class meeting! Hear from Ms. Hale regarding TSI, help plan for PROM, and get involved in the junior class activities! 🦬📝🪩#buffpride #GRIT #classof2026
17 days ago, Heather Brown
Junior Class Meeting Flyer
The Blue Collar Tour rolled through town last week and blessed SHS with their presentations and SCHOLARSHIPS! Students pictured were presented with scholarships ranging from $1,000-$5,000. #buffpride #GRIT #CTE #bluecollartour 🦬🥽
18 days ago, Heather Brown
scholarship recipients
Please click on the link to view the SHS Week at a Glance for the week of 02/24 through 03/01.
21 days ago, Drew Daniel
Please click the link to view the SHS Week at a Glance for the week of 02/17 through 02/22.
29 days ago, Drew Daniel
TELPAS testing at SHS is right around the corner! Please mark your calendar and make every effort to be in attendance on these days. #buffpride #GRIT 🦬
about 1 month ago, Heather Brown
TELPAS flyer
Please hit the road with us on Thursday as we travel to Tahoka to cheer on our Lady Buffs! They will face Idalou in the Area Championship at 6 PM. Tickets will be $3 - $5 at the door. All passes will be accepted. Let's go, ladies! #buffpride #GRIT #goldballchasin 🏀🦬📣
about 1 month ago, Heather Brown
Area Basketball Flyer
The JV softball game scheduled for tomorrow evening has been canceled. 🥎🦬
about 1 month ago, Heather Brown
Please sign up on the google form at the link below if you would love to support SHS Barbecue Teams by judging at the competition at SHS on February 22, 2025! #buffpride #GRIT🥩🦬
about 1 month ago, Heather Brown
Barbecue Judging Flyer
📣Please join us Monday, February 10th at 7 PM at Monahans High School as we cheer our Lady Buffs on to victory! They will take on the Alpine Lady Bucks in the Bi-District Championship. Get your tickets at the link below or at the door. Cash and card payments will be accepted. #buffpride #GRIT #ladybuffs #bidistrict #goldballchasing 🦬🏀
about 1 month ago, Heather Brown
Bi-District Championship Flyer
Please click on the link to view the SHS Week at a Glance for the week of 02/10 through 02/15.
about 1 month ago, Drew Daniel