What is Title III?
Title III, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as reauthorized under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), aims to ensure that English learners (ELs) and immigrant students attain English proficiency and develop high levels of academic achievement in English. Title III will also assist all English learners meet the same challenging State academic standards that all children are expected to meet.
Summit K-12
ConceptsLinks Literacy supports student growth in all four language domains – Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening
Provides support for Expository writing collections in Science and Social Studies
A digital resources aligned to the ELPS and TEKS that prepares LEP students for the 2-12th TELPAS online tests and helps them progress at least one proficiency level per year
Includes TELPAS Basic and Science Content area vocabulary development using strong picture support with Word Identification Items and basic sight vocabulary
Supports cross-curricular Second Language Acquisition Knowledge and Skills
Includes Content Area Close selections and Informational Texts
Includes multiple Linguistic Accommodations such as:
Audio read aloud with natural human voice and highlighting of text
Instant Spanish translations of Keywords and Key Ideas including audio support
Visual Dictionary and Newcomer Lessons in English and Spanish
Scaffolding and Spiraling of content and vocabulary across four reading levels
Student's Username: school assigned email address (firstname.lastnamelast2ofID#@stanton.esc18.net)
Student's Password: school assigned student id number