Parents, not only are your children growing academically, they are growing physically as well and weather is beginning to let us experience some fall temperatures, which require a change in clothing. As a campus and with our campus improvement committee, which includes parents, we have made some minor adjustments to the dress code to address some of the trends we are seeing. Please review the attached dress code reminders/updates and begin helping your child make adjustments.
Absent Callout Messages
In an effort to better communicate with parents and guardians, we have started a new automatic callout system for absences. To ensure the message plays, please pick up the phone and say "hello". You may experience a short delay before the message starts playing.
Rainey day dismissal procedures today! Be patient with us please!!
No School Monday, 10/10/2022
The last day to register to vote is by October 11, 2022.
Applications printed from the online website ( will need to be signed and either mailed or hand delivered to the Martin County Elections Office located at 110 West School Street, Stanton, TX.
Signed applications can be mailed to the Martin County Elections office at PO Box 1009, Stanton, TX 79782. The Martin County Elections Office is closed on October 10th for Columbus Day but completed / signed applications can be placed in the outside mail drop at the elections office.
For more information you can call the Election Office at 432-607-3580.
Martin County
Stanton ISD would like to invite members of the community to join us for a town hall meeting. Topics of discussion are the Voter Approved Tax Rate Election and Bond Election. The event will be held in the High School Auditorium Oct 4 at 7pm.
The high school is raising money for Cancer Research Institute by selling Pink Out shirts. All forms and money need to go to the high school by Wednesday October 5. Shirts are $20. SHS will host Coahoma October 21st, and that will be our annual Pink Out game.
October 1 Newsletter
No school Friday 9-30-22. Enjoy your long weekend and good luck to our students competing at the State Fair of Texas Stock Show. We will see you Monday!
Tomorrow, Thursday, 9-29-22, at 9:00 a.m., we will have a coffee with the admin meeting to discuss Title 1. We will meet in the cafeteria, so bring an ID to sign in if you would like to join us and learn more about Title 1 and what is brings to the campus. This will be a combined meeting with Stanton Middle School.
Picture Day 9-27-22
Next week on Monday, will be Stanton Elementary t-shirt day for those that purchased. We are sending them home today along with your fall picture form. Picture day is Tuesday, so dress nice! Don't forget that Friday dismissal time is 2:50.
Tomorrow is our homecoming game. Parents remember that all 2nd - 5th grade students will attend the pep rally. For those that have beautiful mums and garters, please keep those at home safe and sound from the play we do so they are ready for the game. We want to wear all the red and gray gear tomorrow as we cheer the Buffs to victory.
We encourage everyone to register to vote!
The last day to register to vote is October 11, 2022.
Register Online:
Register In Person:
110 W School Street, Stanton (Elections Office - Located under the water tower downtown)
Every vote counts!!
We want to reward our students for their hard work, so starting tomorrow with the 2nd six weeks, students must meet the following criteria to attend the final pep rally (Pre-K through 2nd grade)
No more than one absence, leaving early or tardy;
Must pass all classes;
No discipline referrals, including bus
Parents, please help your child by getting them here on time and maximize their learning by keeping them here all day.
Homecoming week is this week! We have lots of fun dress up days planned by our leadership team.
Middle of the month newsletter/events.
Middle School Daily News
I've had quite a few people ask about this year's band shirts. Here is an order form if you are interested in ordering the 2022 Band Show Shirts. I will be placing the order on September 21, so I'll need the orders by Tuesday September 20. Thanks.
P.S. Don't forget to go to CBS7 and vote for Stanton as the band of the week! (you can vote multiple times if you clear your browser cache...I've been told...).