Due to teacher in-service, the dates for football camp have been changed to July 26th, 27th, and 28th from 10 AM to 11:30 AM. Students that did not preregister will be able to register at camp on the 26th. If you have any questions please email me at chogan@stanton.esc18.net
over 2 years ago, Cody Hogan
Information on STAAR release of scores.
over 2 years ago, Stanton Elementary
STAAR information
Fall 2022 Registration. All students must provide proof of residency - utility or lease agreement that is current (30 days or less on utility). New students will need to bring: social security card, shot record, proof of residency, enrolling parent DL, and birth certificate. Pre-K students will also need verification of income. Must attend during one of the sessions on August 3, 4, 6 to be put on a class list.
over 2 years ago, Stanton Elementary
Registration Dates
School Supplies
Summer Meals for Kids https://5il.co/1b5a0
over 2 years ago, Stanton ISD
Summer Meals
School will dismiss at 1:00 on Thursday - busses will run at that time. Don't forget our Dance Evolution Program at 10:00 Thursday!
over 2 years ago, Stanton Elementary
last day
Stanton High School is offering camps for football, baseball, softball, and basketball this summer. We have forms in the office if your child is interested. Many of them have deadlines this week in order to get a t-shirt. Go Buffs!
over 2 years ago, Stanton Elementary
¿COVID mantuvo a sus hijos en casa? P-EBT le puede ayudar con los costos de alimentos cuando las comidas escolares se perdieron. Su hijo/a califica para recibir beneficios si ha sido aprobado por el Programa Nacional de Almuerzo Escolar de su escuela para recibir comidas escolares y debido a COVID ha reportado ausencias a su escuela. Este año, no hay solicitudes en línea para P-EBT disponibles. Para más información, acuda a: www.hhs.texas.gov/PEBT Stanton Website: https://www.stanton.esc18.net/documents/parents/cafeteria/pandemic-ebt-provides-food-benefits/323923
over 2 years ago, Stanton ISD
EL P-EBT AYUDA Familias De Texas
COVID kept your kids home? P-EBT can help with food costs when school meals were missed. Your children qualify if they have a National School Lunch Program household meal application approved by their school and COVID-related absences reported to their school. There is no online application for P-EBT this year. Learn more: www.hhs.texas.gov/PEBT Stanton Website: https://www.stanton.esc18.net/documents/parents/cafeteria/pandemic-ebt-provides-food-benefits/323923
over 2 years ago, Stanton ISD
P-EBT Helps Texas Families Buy Food
Next Thursday, we will have our end of school music program - Dance Evolution. Please see flyer for more information.
over 2 years ago, Stanton Elementary
Dance Evolution
Need some summer activity ideas for you and your child? Here our some our own Mrs. Anderson has researched and found some good ideas to keep your child reading and having fun! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WdACa4aCz4Xe8qEWIn8sjWS18ib69CV2/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115589654936585241059&rtpof=true&sd=true
over 2 years ago, Stanton Elementary
5th and 6th grade Field Day Due to temperatures reaching above 100 on Wednesday, May 18th, we will start both 5th and 6th grade at 9:00 and complete the events around 12:00. Schedule is posted on Facebook and webpage!
over 2 years ago, Stanton Elementary
Stanton Elementary will be STAAR testing the next three days - 3,4,5 Math on Tuesday; 3,4,5 Reading on Wednesday, and 5 Science on Thursday. We know that the students are well prepared and ready!! Attached are some testing tips to prepare your child at home the next few days. We are reading for our Stars to Shine on STAAR!!
over 2 years ago, Stanton Elementary
parent letter
We have enjoyed having our friends and families join us this year for the various activities at Stanton Elementary. In an effort to continually improve and increase our involvement, please complete this short survey. https://forms.gle/J7K215VPLrLYNqfN9
over 2 years ago, Stanton Elementary
Friends and families of our Pre-K through 2nd graders who pre-registered for the reading picnic today may enter through the south gate of the playground. If you were not able to pre-register must check in through the front office. We are excited to see you! You may bring a blanket or towel to sit on - we have a few here as well!
over 2 years ago, Stanton Elementary
Don't forget our reading picnic for Pre-K through 2nd grade on Friday. Bring your lunch and spend time reading with your child between 10:30-12:30.
over 2 years ago, Stanton Elementary
reading picnic
over 2 years ago, Stanton ISD
cyberwise tiktok
5th Grade students and parents/guardians, don't forget our transition to 6th grade meeting tonight from 5:30-6:00 in the cafeteria. You do not want to miss this information. Also, tonight we will host Midland Children's Advocacy Center from 6:00-7:00 in the music room. This allows you as the parent/guardian to preview the information they will share with your student on the Stay Safe Program. The link below is for our mid-month Smore. We have lots of activities going on, so make sure you check it out! https://www.smore.com/xevng
over 2 years ago, Stanton Elementary
Family and friends of our Pre-K through 2nd grade students are invited to bring their lunch for a picnic on the Stanton Elementary playground. Enjoy great books with your child while you eat lunch together! 10:30-12:30 April 29, 2022
over 2 years ago, Stanton Elementary
reading picnic
We have several activities going on this week you do not want to miss! Tuesday - Kinder field trip Wednesday - Pastries with my Peeps - preregister here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmTGCKJL6GyHs4O-Oz4Vlz-wQCgqWyorI553sQENPyoLDb0g/viewform?usp=sf_link Thursday - Field Day - if you want to check you child out from the field, please complete this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdFWRUWCaGH7pQHaw1BgjCmQeRGsP5nmzJsn1itnbId-oPi6A/viewform?usp=sf_link Friday and Monday - no school, enjoy your long weekend
over 2 years ago, Stanton Elementary
Field Day
Pastries with my peeps
Stanton Elementary will have Pre-K and Kinder Round Up April 20th and 21st from 4-7 p.m. Please share with our community members who will have 4/5 years for the 2022-2023 school year.
almost 3 years ago, Stanton Elementary
Round Up